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A journey in the making

This is just the beginning. By visiting my website you will be exposed to my passions, main one being art. There may be some things I post you find offensive. I want to have a conversation about life, passions, questions,

Everything happens for a reason. The best lesson to learn is not to question that reason, only accept it.


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About A2I

Although this is not a business, its an unknown mantra I live by. Its a work in the making, the title that is. I am a 30 year old male who didn't finish college, I work a full time customer service job who has bigger dreams. My two biggest passions are art and music. I have an extensive background in music, but my art background is not so. I aspire to inspire others to do what makes them happy.


Thank you for checking out my site! If you like my work and have a request, you can connect with me on Facebook or email.

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